General information
The student prepares the thesis under the guidance of a promoter of his/her choice.
The promoter of the diploma thesis is chosen by the student from among those proposed by the course coordinator, within the limit set for a specific academic teacher.
The promoter of the diploma thesis may be an academic teacher with at least a doctoral degree.
The topic of the diploma thesis is determined by the promoter with the student.
The final topic of the diploma thesis shall be determined by the promoter with the student no later than the end of the first week of the last semester of study. The promoter shall provide the Dean’s Office with an electronic list of students containing the final topics of the diploma thesis in Polish and English by the end of the second week of the last semester of study.
The Promoter supervises the preparation of the diploma thesis by the student and is responsible for its progress and final results. In justified cases, the independent researcher in charge of the thesis, with the approval of the dean, may appoint, from among the assistant professors, a supervisor.
The student, under the supervision of the thesis supervisor, prepares the thesis in the semesters stipulated in the study plan. At each stage of the thesis preparation, the thesis supervisor may check any part of the thesis in the OSA anti-plagiarism system by logging into the system using the UO e-mail address and password.
The student is obliged to submit the diploma thesis and pass the diploma exam, if provided for in the program of study, no later than the end of September of the final year of study, and in the case of a course of study lasting 3.5 years – no later than the end of the winter correction session.
Formal requirements of the work
The diploma thesis must include an abstract in the original language and English (as well as in Polish, if the original language is different from Polish) and keywords in the original language and English (as well as in Polish, if the original language is different from Polish).
The diploma thesis may, with the promoter’s approval, be written in a foreign language.
Detailed technical requirements for the diploma thesis and for the content of the relevant statements submitted by the student regarding the diploma thesis are contained in paragraphs 3, 4, 5 and 6 of Order No. 81/2021 of the Rector of the University of Opole dated May 17, 2021 on the rules for the preparation and archiving of diploma theses at the University of Opole and in Annexes 1, 2, 3 and 4 to the said Order.
Submission of the paper
The prepared thesis/engineering project is submitted by the student in electronic or hard copy to the promoter for approval.
Before the thesis is accepted by the thesis supervisor and uploaded to the Thesis Archive System (ADF), a seminar is held, which is obligatorily attended by the thesis supervisor, reviewer and one member of the institute’s Thesis Quality Team (who is not the promoter or reviewer of the thesis in question). The purpose of the seminar is the final verification that the thesis meets all requirements (in particular, in terms of substantive correctness, respect for intellectual property rights, independence and originality) and can be accepted for defense. In the event that the work does not meet the essential requirements, the result of the seminar is a set of suggestions for the graduate to improve the indicated aspects of the work. The promoter is responsible for arranging the place and setting the date of the seminar.
The promoter informs the student that he/she can upload the thesis file to the ADF, according to the instructions on
All additional practical work: project/program/photos/presentations created in the form of a file are archived in the ADF as attachments to the thesis. Files marked as practical or artistic work, respectively, are omitted from the anti-plagiarism examination. Files over 1.5 GB are archived on a cd or other media and stored in the student’s file.
The student completes in the ADF the basic information about the thesis (abstract and keywords in the original language and English, as well as in Polish if the original language is different from Polish), uploads the file with the written thesis in PDF format to the system, and submits in the system a statement about the independent preparation of the thesis at least 14 days before the scheduled date of defense.
The student electronically fills out the personal career monitoring form for graduates of the University of Opole
Verification and evaluation of work
The promoter verifies that the information completed by the student and the uploaded work is the version previously approved by the student.
The promoter performs the final verification in the JSA anti-plagiarism system. If, as a result of the anti-plagiarism procedure – the result of visual inspection of the similarity report – the thesis is found to be beyond doubt, then it is submitted for the further stage of the graduation procedure. If plagiarism is found in the diploma thesis, the University shall immediately initiate appropriate proceedings.
The Promoter shall make an entry of credit for the subject “diploma seminar” and/or “preparation of diploma thesis” in the protocol posted in the USOSweb system only after approval and submission of the thesis in the ADF system.
The promoter submits a statement in the ADF system that the thesis meets the conditions for presentation in the graduation proceedings. The promoter approves the thesis in the ADF system, submits the thesis for review and informs the dean’s office that the thesis has been approved.
Once the thesis is approved, the promoter and the reviewer complete the thesis review forms in the ADF system (in particular, inserting the thesis grades) and approve them no later than three days before the scheduled date of the diploma exam. Reviews are visible to the diploma student.
Course of the diploma exam
Warunkiem dopuszczenia studenta do egzaminu dyplomowego jest:
1) spełnienie wszystkich wymagań wynikających z programu i harmonogramu studiów;
2) uzyskanie pozytywnej oceny pracy dyplomowej.
Egzamin dyplomowy odbywa się przed komisją powołaną przez dziekana. W skład komisji wchodzą:
1) przewodniczący – dziekan albo powołany przez dziekana nauczyciel akademicki posiadający co najmniej stopień doktora;
2) promotor/promotorzy;
3) recenzent/recenzenci.
Egzamin dyplomowy przeprowadzany jest w formie ustnej.
Na studiach o profilu praktycznym w egzaminie dyplomowym może uczestniczyć przedstawiciel pracodawcy w roli obserwatora.
Na wniosek studenta lub promotora egzamin dyplomowy może mieć charakter otwarty. Wniosek musi być złożony w dziekanacie co najmniej na początku ostatniego semestru planowego ukończenia studiów.
Z przebiegu egzaminu dyplomowego sporządza się protokół. Wynik egzaminu dyplomowego wyraża się skalą ocen, o której mowa w § 18 ust. 2 Regulaminu Studiów.
Department of Mathematics, Physics and Computer Science
Oleska 48 st.
45-910 Opole, Poland
tel. +48 77 452 72 00
University of Opole
Kopernika 11a st.
45-040 Opole, Poland
tel.: 77 541 59 03
Chancellor’s Office
tel.: 77 541 60 70
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