Education quality policy

The Department’s educational quality policy is based on two foundations:

  • the Department’s mission, which is to provide modern and effective education for students in fields of study in which the main disciplines are computer science, physics and mathematics, and to popularize these disciplines and the fields of study offered,
  • the strategic goal, which is to build the faculty’s image as an organizer and provider of first-choice studies in the fields of study offered.

The policy is implemented through key activities:

  • Continuous improvement of the teaching offer, taking into account the current needs of Polish and foreign students and the requirements of the job market;
  • Supporting the educational system through education and further training of teaching staff;
  • Participation of representatives of the socio-economic environment in the creation of the didactic offer and implementation of the didactic process;
  • Strengthening the scientific and teaching staff of institutes associated with the Faculty;
  • Continuous expansion and modernization of teaching facilities.

In its activities, the Faculty, on the one hand, takes advantage of the potential accumulated over more than 70 years of the existence of various scientific units and related fields of study, and on the other hand, keeps in mind the constant improvement of its potential. Among the most important elements that make up this potential and are the subject of special efforts are the following

  • A high culture of educational quality,
  • long-standing and lively contacts with the socio-economic environment;
  • proven organizational efficiency in the creation and implementation of major projects;
  • a well-established tradition of teaching oriented to the potential and needs of the student;
  • an inviting atmosphere, non-anonymity of students, easy and natural contact between students and staff, and availability of tutoring at various levels;
  • an inviting atmosphere, non-anonymity of students, easy and natural contact between students and staff, and availability of tutoring at various levels;

Podtytuł sekcji #1

Sed iaculis, risus a hendrerit condimentum, massa ipsum dictum enim, non gravida odio purus at turpis. Cras eu dolor massa. Integer massa dui, bibendum vitae diam eget, congue sagittis lorem. Proin ut feugiat massa, in rhoncus quam. Curabitur posuere convallis nisi, eget vulputate velit vestibulum nec. Suspendisse potenti. Quisque eget eleifend velit.

Podtytuł sekcji #2

Sed eu ex id leo facilisis vestibulum et sollicitudin nisi. Maecenas aliquet odio ornare nibh egestas interdum. Fusce in tincidunt nisi. Aenean eget neque in massa efficitur hendrerit. Phasellus ut scelerisque magna. Morbi luctus a lorem aliquam laoreet. Vestibulum est sem, placerat id ex at, lobortis pellentesque elit.

Podtytuł sekcji #3

Pellentesque pretium laoreet ultrices. Integer viverra bibendum commodo. Mauris eu metus neque. In maximus massa at tellus dignissim, quis porttitor ex malesuada. Sed vitae turpis purus. Fusce molestie elit a tellus euismod, vitae porttitor risus bibendum. Quisque in scelerisque felis. Vivamus nibh lacus, tempus in condimentum et, accumsan a nisl. Duis at enim vel tellus pulvinar venenatis in id ex. Pellentesque vitae mattis urna. Vivamus tempor lacus ac lorem euismod cursus.

Phasellus iaculis molestie mi, id gravida ante gravida vel. Quisque nulla velit, elementum vel eros eget, pulvinar cursus diam. Donec egestas ipsum sed augue blandit, non facilisis ante facilisis. Praesent imperdiet dui a massa vulputate, vel facilisis quam bibendum. Fusce bibendum lectus vel vehicula imperdiet. Suspendisse dapibus nulla libero, at varius libero gravida vel. Ut vel velit blandit ligula aliquam fringilla sit amet at neque. Aenean aliquam turpis vel varius faucibus. Phasellus vehicula vel mi a vulputate. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia curae.

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