Attention students of the Department of Mathematics, Physics and Computer Science!
In connection with the Rector’s Order No. 28/2024, dated March 22, 2024 , regarding: introduction of rules for submission of documents from the National Criminal Register and other documents by students, employees, doctoral students of the Doctoral School and other persons in connection with obligations under the provisions of the Law of May 13, 2016 on Counteracting the Threat of Sexual Offenses.
we inform that:
The following documents must be submitted to the WMFI Dean’s Office by September 30, 2024:
1) a criminal record document issued by the National Criminal Register (NCR):
- in case of downloading a paper version from the NCR, provide a photocopy and show the original document for inspection;
- in the case of an electronic version, the student is required to transmit the certificate by e-mail to the appropriate e-mail for the field of study. The document will be accepted only in the form of an XML file that is signed with a secure electronic signature. The printed certificate is not an official document.
2) the statement constituting Annex No. 1 to the Order No. 28/2024 of the Rector of the UO – is compulsorily submitted by all citizens of the Republic of Poland and foreigners. (The statement is submitted under penalty of criminal liability for making a false statement).
3) the statement constituting Annex No. 2 to the Order No. 28/2024 of the Rector of the UO – is submitted by a citizen of the Republic of Poland who has stayed outside the borders of the Republic of Poland for more than a year and all foreigners. (The statement is submitted under penalty of criminal liability for making a false statement).
The university does not refund the cost of the certificate, i.e. PLN 20 in the case of a certificate obtained electronically or PLN 30 in the case of a paper certificate.
What to enter in the request for information about a person submitted to the NCR?
- in item 12 named “Type of data to be subject to information about the person”, mark: Criminal records and Juvenile records (Marking all records does not incur an additional fee);
- in item 13 named “Scope of data to be subject to information about the person”, indicate: Article 21 (3) of the Law of May 13, 2016 on Prevention of Sexual Crime Threats and Protection of Minors (Journal of Laws 2023, item 1304 and 1606).
Lack of a certificate will result in non-admission to classes, practical classes and internships.
Certificates no older than February 2024 should be brought to the WMFI Dean’s Office.
You can obtain a certificate of no criminal record by applying electronically
Instruction – Electronic access to the e-services of the NQF
on paper at any point of information of the National Criminal Register – list of establishments
The Information Point of the National Criminal Register is also located in Opole:
pl. Daszyńskiego 3, first floor, room no. A8 and A9
tel. 77 54 19 510
Visiting hours:
Monday: 8.00 – 18.00
Tuesday – Friday: 8.00 – 15.00